Friday, 26 February 2016

Some Interesting endemic plants in Rodrigues

For many years the forestry services and NGOs have been helping in the restoration of endemic plants in different nature reserves including Grand Montagne, Anse Quitor, Coco Islet and fenced areas.  Different endemic plants are being planted every year with  the help of the community so that they are more conscious  of the importance of preserving the beautifully rare endemic plants that are native in our little island. Since climate change is a big issue and is affecting the island the community must be involved in the reforestation process so as to cope with this change.Some endemic species shown below are planted  in reserves and fenced areas:

Hibiscus liliiflorus , Mandrinette:

Clerodendrum Laciniatum; Bois Cabris

Diospyros Diversifolia;Bois D'Ebene

Pleurostylia Putamen;Bois D'Olive Blanc

Gastonia Rodriguesiana; Bois Blanc

Terminalia Bentzoe Rod; Bois Charon
Cassine Orientalis; Bois D'Olive